Not their passwords, tho. I am not trying to be difficult here, just trying to understand the reasoning behind leaving the passwords stored in plain text.
If you used ‘platform specific’ built-in secrets sync you’d be done... but then how would you justify charging for the built in sync? So I see your conundrum.
If someone can read the files in .ssh, chances are they can also add an alias to the ssh command that steals your passphrase. As for the "stolen laptop" scenario, whole disk encryption is preferable.
My dot files are valuable to me, and I have struggled with a number of different systems for managing them across devices. I feel less attached to the terminal emulator itself, and switch peridocially as different programs interact weirdly with different terminals. Especially on WSL.
Secure effective syncing would give me the valuable thing, while still having the freedom to bounce around terminals.
For context, I currently use termius on ipad, but use termux on android and flavor of the week on desktop, currently WSLtty. I have used the pro version of termius in the past, but do not currently.
Interesting that it is a YC startup.