I suspect the author hit the Indian downvote brigades as well. The big issue I currently have with the Stack Overflow is that it seems like it has become some form of "scoring metric" for Indian programmers--presumably the consulting companies like Wipro. As such, if you don't immediately give a positive vote/response to even garbage answers, you get a downvote brigade burying the question. I suspect disallowing Indian IP's would improve Stack Overflow immensely, at this point.
The structural problem I have with Stack Overflow is that there is no way to wipe out outdated answers. There are lots of heavily upvoted answers that were correct but are now wrong, and there is no way to mark that.
The structural problem I have with Stack Overflow is that there is no way to wipe out outdated answers. There are lots of heavily upvoted answers that were correct but are now wrong, and there is no way to mark that.