It just doesn't seem possible to hide the answerer's profile though. It's possible they commented on the question asking for clarification or on another answer. In which case you need to be able to respond to them so who do you "@"? If they get some fake username during this anonymous period I supposes maybe that could work but then what if they question is discussed in chat or meta or the anonymous answerer posts a link to another question they answered where their username is no longer anonymized? Then they are exposed for who they are.
How long would you keep it anonymized? most questions don't get almost any traffic at all when they are first asked. They only get exposure over time.
It just seems like a posing proposition because it's so easily circumvented in which case it's not worth the effort at all.
How long would you keep it anonymized? most questions don't get almost any traffic at all when they are first asked. They only get exposure over time.
It just seems like a posing proposition because it's so easily circumvented in which case it's not worth the effort at all.