> Nationalism isn't normal, countries are a completely artificial construct.
Compared to what? Being a primitive mammal? Sure you could claim that the 'nation' didn't exist long enough to support this but devotion to a local city or tribe feels the same to me.
If devotion to a local city or tribe is the same, then why is the Federal government at loggerheads with California over environmental regulations and immigration, and California is at loggerheads with SF over zoning policy and homelessness?
It does not follow from the assertion that devotion to a political unit of any size is a similar mindset or activity, that devotion to any one such thing means precisely identical devotion to all parts of whatever political hierarchy it may be a part of. Your objection doesn't make sense.
Compared to what? Being a primitive mammal? Sure you could claim that the 'nation' didn't exist long enough to support this but devotion to a local city or tribe feels the same to me.