A Google search for me produces the word "Quidditch" in a box along with a link to the Wikipedia page for Quidditch and the first paragraph of that article. The box appears at the very top of the results. I'm not sure how a search result for that query could be much more useful.
I can confirm that I also see this, both in my regular Firefox instance where I do everything and in an incognito Chrome window. Specifically, I get, in order from top to bottom, with only trivial differences between those two cases:
A box with "Quidditch" in big letters, a picture and a brief description.
Some "People also ask:" with questions that do seem to be reasonably relevant.
The Wikipedia page about Quidditch.
Some video links, all relevant.
Some images, all relevant.
Another Wikipedia page about Quidditch.
A page about the "Department of Magical Games and Sports" from some Harry-Potter-specific wiki.
Same wiki's "games and sports" category.
"Beyond Quidditch: games and pastimes in the wizarding world" from www.wizardingworld.com.
NPR article about real-world quidditch games.
Quora question about other sports in Harry Potter.
Related searches: a bunch of Harry Potter things which seem pretty relevant.
Related search: "Quidditch teams".
A bunch of "Searches related to harry potter sport" which mostly also seem relevant.
So ... the organization of the page is a little weird in places, but this seems like an excellent set of search results for that query. The DDG results are also perfectly fine, though they feel slightly worse than the Google ones to me.