While I don't doubt that what you say is true, systems which, by spec, should be able to handle a given situation, that then years after they were written finally are called upon to handle that situation, fail more often than not.
The CEO also said they would pay $100million to clean up, which is not chump change, even for them I bet.
I'm not saying they were blameless, but I think most systems which have never had a given variable go negative, that years after they were written finally have that variable go negative, will have problems.
Nat gas prices went negative pretty famously (in the biz) around 2010 or so. I give everyone a pass based on what you said until then. After that no free passes. IB screwed up.
The CEO also said they would pay $100million to clean up, which is not chump change, even for them I bet.
I'm not saying they were blameless, but I think most systems which have never had a given variable go negative, that years after they were written finally have that variable go negative, will have problems.