The vast majority of the criticism Rowling has received was not death or rape threats. Why do you ascribe that behavior to the entire "woke-left" (I'm assuming thats who you meant by "they"). Do you not think that targets of the right ever receive rape or death threats? These are not characteristic of the left. There is not some "woke-left" governing body directing people and asking some to give cover so that others can issue rape threats. Why do you choose to focus on them exclusively?
I don't understand why I can't condone bullying or rape threats. I am on the left, I hate it when the right does it too. There is this sentiment though that bulling, threats, doxing, and getting someone fired are "consequences" of free speech. Even though this is happening to people I happen disagree with, I still don't think it is right. I don't think the entire left is like this, but I never have to read to far down on Twitter before I find someone exhibiting these bad behaviors.