> Ever get into a situation where there's on-ramps and off-ramps on both sides, you've never been on that stretch of road before and there's a lot of traffic?
One advantage cars with large sensor suites have over humans is that they can see and process information from all around them. In your specific example, the car can watch both on an off ramps at the same time, isn't phased by the "newness" of the road since other cars have navigated this section of road hundreds of times before it has, and can keep tabs on cars obscured by line of sight due to the car's ability to bounce signals off of vehicles.
ok - here's a better example - skillful drivers on a highway can predict when another driver might change lanes just from the "body language" of that car. It's pretty subtle and I don't think all human drivers can recognize it, much less SOA AI.
Along the same vein, most drivers will become extra vigilant of another car that's driving in a way that's the least bit erratic, giving that car a wide berth.
One advantage cars with large sensor suites have over humans is that they can see and process information from all around them. In your specific example, the car can watch both on an off ramps at the same time, isn't phased by the "newness" of the road since other cars have navigated this section of road hundreds of times before it has, and can keep tabs on cars obscured by line of sight due to the car's ability to bounce signals off of vehicles.