Haha, I hear horror stories from my friends who are on NextDoor. At some point, a guy reported seeing a coyote on Lafayette park while walking his dog at 2am. You know, just being nice to the neighbors and letting them know to be careful about their dogs. Next thing you know, a bunch of people started questioning what he was doing 'so late' on the park, then other people started accusing him of being a drug dealer or some shit, one threatened to contact the authorities... WTF? It's like Facebook boomer threads on steroids, but in real life.
That's pretty funny, I've moved around SF and different neighborhoods had very different NextDoor cultures.
Some neighborhoods would never be accusative of a drug dealer, but would definitely like a review on the quality of what they are suspected of dealing.
Other neighborhoods would appreciate the warning about the coyote and move on.
That type of thing is exactly what I'm referring to. At its worst NextDoor is a social network for a clone army of Nosy Nancy. "Saw teenager walking on sidewalk. Suspicious. Noted, shall call police." Nosy Nancy lives a block away from a school and watched a student walking home after school.
Iterate ad nauseam for Goodwill donation trucks, VTA Lite Rail stations, recycling centers, whatever fits that neighborhood's definition of "undesirables" and what "attracts them".
Yes, there are good things regarding NextDoor and I have experienced some of them. However, in my experience the ratio skews poorly and towards suspicion and towards hate.
It's been a few years since I've been there and I have no regrets. On a nice day, it was a silly place.
That place was a nice idea just like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn were.
NextDoor worked out just as well as the rest of them.