"Keeping it simple" is how we got here. People are unhappy because ports were removed. I want my microSD port back, and I don't think it will hurt you if you don't use it. Even if you pour coffee in it, it will just fuse itself off as long as there's a properly engineered rubber gasket in it.
You do bring good points about usb-c/magsafe. I hope they can make magsafe work with the usb-c port.
People were unhappy about the loss of the physical headphone port too .... for a short while. Then most of us went over to Bluetooth and stopped complaining.
Sometimes removing ports is dumb, sometimes it’s a smart reflection of what trends are clearly already happening.
Some of us in androidland continue to buy phones specifically because the headphone jack offers a quality of life improvement more than whatever other features are offered in place of the jack.
I also have bluetooth headphones, but I prefer not having to worry about battery, prefer the sound quality, love the simplicity (pairing doesn't exist), and enjoy the utility (can plug into anything with an aux cord).
I can justify any inconvenience. I can justify additional expense. But in this case, I choose not to. If you choose to justify the inconvenience, that's on you—but acknowledge that it exists.
I still buy Android phones with headphone jacks, and am happy to have them. From what I've seen there is no advantage size, weight or waterproofing-wise for foregoing it.
The side effect is that I can't buy the flagship models anymore since they usually don't have headphone jacks. Oh well. Also, yes I have bluetooth headphones. One of which also supports 3.5mm input. I use both. With my phone I primarily use the bluetooth, with my laptop and tablet I use the 3.5mm jack and if I am in a car without bluetooth or a friend's house, I can hook up the 3.5mm cable to my phone.
You do bring good points about usb-c/magsafe. I hope they can make magsafe work with the usb-c port.