Good for you, I am glad you have found something that works for you.
It is inappropriate and rude to assume what others need. I am the complete opposite of what you assume on Adderall, I am more verbose, my thoughts are more coherent and I can keep up with meetings because I can actually pay attention to them. The first time my spouse heard me conduct an interview after medications, he told me how much more cohesive, steady and assured my speaking was.
It helps no one, not even yourself, to tear down someone else because they are using a different solution than you.
It is inappropriate and rude to assume what others need. I am the complete opposite of what you assume on Adderall, I am more verbose, my thoughts are more coherent and I can keep up with meetings because I can actually pay attention to them. The first time my spouse heard me conduct an interview after medications, he told me how much more cohesive, steady and assured my speaking was.
It helps no one, not even yourself, to tear down someone else because they are using a different solution than you.