> Python libraries should not pin dependencies. _Applications_ can pin dependencies, including all recursive dependencies of their libraries.
This is essentially what we do where I work. When we maked a tagged release, we will create a new virtual environment, run a pip install, run all the tests and then run pip freeze. The output of pip freeze is what we use for the install_requires parameter in the setup method in setup.py.
That said, a library could certainly could update their old releases with a patch release and specify a <= requirement on a particular dependency when versions newer than that no longer work. That said, it would be a bit of work since indirect dependencies would also have to be accounted for as well.
This is essentially what we do where I work. When we maked a tagged release, we will create a new virtual environment, run a pip install, run all the tests and then run pip freeze. The output of pip freeze is what we use for the install_requires parameter in the setup method in setup.py.
That said, a library could certainly could update their old releases with a patch release and specify a <= requirement on a particular dependency when versions newer than that no longer work. That said, it would be a bit of work since indirect dependencies would also have to be accounted for as well.