It comes up for me - half the time. The other half is a 500 error.
Also, their homepage is a screen requiring me to login. What? Why? I don't know anything about you, SocialPog - how about a page that explains what you are before asking me to invest.
@pavel_lishin Excellent points, thanks for your constructive criticism.
I'll touch on the chat a little. Good idea or not, I'll let you guys be the judge. The chat feature was to connect everyone site wide. Then would be defined to location and friends if needed....Problem was integration. Without signing in through facebook/twitter it allowed users to create fake names which couldn't be allowed for obvious reasons. Plans to design new chat were in the works during this fiasco.
IDK, maybe future UI's for social networks will have this option. Personally I like this option, but understand it may be not for everyone.
at the bottom of the page (the blog design guy link) the site owner appears, apologising. it seems like comments are from about 6 hours ago.