Autopilot isn’t a very good name for a fancy driver assist system.
Most regular folk associate the term autopilot with “the plane flies itself, the pilot is just there to guide it on landing”. We’ve had decades of this use of the term and got used to the idea that “autopilot” means the vehicle is self guided and the operator can take a nap, have a meal, etc.
1- would removing the word auto and just calling it "TeslaPilot"(TM) make it any better/worse? (in the same line of naming as Nissan ProPilot etc)
2-Aeroplanes famously have a co-pilot, and while one is eating/napping, the other is at the helm. Similar to a person riding shotgun, they can eat/nap while the driver drives, and then switch over after sometime. Does that make the autopilot name any better/worse?
Most regular folk associate the term autopilot with “the plane flies itself, the pilot is just there to guide it on landing”. We’ve had decades of this use of the term and got used to the idea that “autopilot” means the vehicle is self guided and the operator can take a nap, have a meal, etc.