This is a lot of really well expressed information that completely fails to grapple with the fact that most developers write code for the web and apple computers are extremely popular among web developers.
All of the things you mentioned are also true of intel macs, which again are wildly popular among web devs of all kinds.
If you can't explain the popularity of those machines in spite of those limitations, I don't see why I should accept those as reasons why apple arm computers won't be popular.
And developers will often be willing to take a grab at a new thing - and even if you're not doing web dev lots of your code likely runs on build farms anyway - the chance to play around with a workable ARM machine might be attractive.
All of the things you mentioned are also true of intel macs, which again are wildly popular among web devs of all kinds.
If you can't explain the popularity of those machines in spite of those limitations, I don't see why I should accept those as reasons why apple arm computers won't be popular.