I followed a dude on Twitter. He was semi famous and a big proponent of free speech. One day he posted some steaks he cooked. Some people started responding with steak cooking tips. He responded by banning everyone of of them. This has the same feel but on a larger scale.
I had a boss that used to get really angry at people when they wished him happy birthday. Same feeling.
I hate puzzles like this, they get stuck in my head.
I'll be thinking about this for weeks.
this one at least seems fairly traceable (this is from the perspective of an outsider, correct me if any of this is wrong):
-christel sells something that wasn't really hers to sell, which she technically had some degree of ownership over, due to a former non profit being dissolved to save costs.
-the guy now thinks he owns it, everyone else thinks he just sponsored some conferences in exchange for a logo placement
-years later, the guy asks for a logo to be swapped out for another
-this causes confusion and christel just resigns and disappears, the situation now no longer able to be kept under wraps by her (I'm ascribing motivations here)
-the new leadership takes over with christel being gone, and doesn't understand why the guy who ran a few conferences has control over the freenode domain, so seeks to remove him from it (without hostile intent, just as part of regular governance)
-the guy thinks he's being usurped, potentially unaware that no one really knows that he bought this domain and "freenode" from christel (freenode servers etc were not supplied by him but rather donated by other third parties)
I had a boss that used to get really angry at people when they wished him happy birthday. Same feeling.
I hate puzzles like this, they get stuck in my head. I'll be thinking about this for weeks.