I guess that information is cherry-picked? Or are you saying that at all time we have accessible record, the price of a sheep has exceeded 1 pound of silver and always been below 1.5 pounds of silver?
it's true for other things where we have historical records and the production method hasn't changed significantly (productivity).
for example, a hand tailored italian shoes + suit is 1 oz of gold, going back to roman times. The style and material have changed, but the tailor labor : gold ratio hasn't changed much.
Similarily, 30 ounces of gold could buy you a car (Ford Model T) in 1912, and can still buy you pretty nice car now (anything that costs ca 60,000 USD)
Historically, 1-1.5lbs of silver bought you a sheep and it’s the same for today (Rome -> 1500 -> Today).
I’d be interested to see what 2021 brings..