> Why do everybody keep repeating "blind" everywhere?
"Blind copypaste" is just slightly more specific thing than just "copypaste". Copypasting code you fully understand and trust is fine (though in practice, is the rarer case). "Blind copypaste" implies you know it works(ish?) and don't care as much about the how.
> Also why all the anti-copilot seems to think their code is great, or even well understood by themself.
My code is certainly not great, but I like to think I understand what I've written pretty well (there are many contributors to poor quality code, not understanding what you're writing is just one potential one).
I also like to think that, while it's not great, it's on average going to be better than code put together by someone who doesn't fully understand what they've written.
> I have counterexamples everywhere around me all the time for these 3 points.
Do you? By what metric do you consider them counterexamples?
Also why all the anti-copilot seems to think their code is great, or even well understood by themself.
I have counterexamples everywhere around me all the time for these 3 points.