you are all over this thread making bad faith arguments.
Just because a government is elected through the process of voting, does not mean that it is accountable to the people. Politics is a dirty business and that is as true in India as it is in the US. You would struggle to make the case that the duly elected president of the USA, one Mr Trump, was anything but a con-man whose primary aim was the enrichment of himself and those in his circle.
A voting system is just that - a voting system. Don't confuse it with a robust democracy.
thank you. the idea of the ruiling party and their supporters is that "you elected us so we are free to do whatever the fuck we want and anyone against us is destroying the social fabric of the country by defying authority that elections gave us. "
they murdered an 88 year old activist in jail by prolonging his stay. next hearing, next hearing, next hearing and yesterday he fell to covid.
essentially they book everyone and anyone and years later they are found not guilty. justice won but the years lost for that person? no compensation for that
> Just because a government is elected through the process of voting, does not mean that it is accountable to the people
Isn't that true everywhere? in every democracy? Why do you think there are three equally powerful branches of govt., the legislation, the judiciary and the military?
Indian constitution has good measure of checks and balances.
If the ruling govt. passes a law, the opposition can always go to court and challenge the constitutionality of the law.
> robust democracy
Tell me what are the facets of a robust democracy and lets see if its applicable to Indian Constitution and political system.
> Indian constitution has good measures of checks and balances
Occasionally these institutions are manned by people with a spine to stand up to the government. Most of the time they aren't and are at best stooges.
Arnab Goswami (think a cheap Bill O'rielly wannabe) gets bail via a specially expedited hearing by the supreme court, jumping the queue of cases whereas students, reporters languish in jail for trumped up terror charges pressed by these stooge organizations.
Just because a government is elected through the process of voting, does not mean that it is accountable to the people. Politics is a dirty business and that is as true in India as it is in the US. You would struggle to make the case that the duly elected president of the USA, one Mr Trump, was anything but a con-man whose primary aim was the enrichment of himself and those in his circle.
A voting system is just that - a voting system. Don't confuse it with a robust democracy.