Perl: doesn't strike me as a name at all, and the language name definitely wasn't referencing it (more likely a reference to the shell).
Lua: doesn't strike me as a name either, and the language was named for the moon.
Ruby: is a girl's name, but the language was named for the precious stone.
Delphi: is the name of a city, though it does reference the (female) Oracle of Delphi (the language was designed to make Oracle databases accessible).
Perl: doesn't strike me as a name at all, and the language name definitely wasn't referencing it (more likely a reference to the shell).
Lua: doesn't strike me as a name either, and the language was named for the moon.
Ruby: is a girl's name, but the language was named for the precious stone.
Delphi: is the name of a city, though it does reference the (female) Oracle of Delphi (the language was designed to make Oracle databases accessible).