I like Gary, but on the issue of cholesterol is more complex than he portrays.
It is absolutely the case that LDL-C is correlated with heart disease at the population level. It is absolutely the case that LDL-P is correlated with heart disease at the individual level. Beyond the correlation, there is considerable mechanism of action evidence that small particle lipoproteins are the driver of atherosclerosis.
The primary issue with statins / LDL is that they are prescribed based on LDL-C, which is not appropriate at the individual level and are thus considerably over proscribed. LDL-C only matters at the population level, not individual. When lowering LDL-C for the population, you will only see small benefits since most people get little to no benefit from the drug.
However, people with high LDL-P will absolutely see a benefit from statins. You need only look at the FH groups to see this.
Just like reducing cholesterol does not lower heart attacks.
Read more about that here: https://medium.com/@petilon/cholesterol-and-statins-e7d9d8ee...