For me to agree with "vanishingly small", I should rarely encounter a vaccination requirement in my day to day life. The wishlist for places and activities that will require verification is so large I will be encountering them multiple times a day, for the rest of my life.
Yes, and that's perfectly fine because 1. you've been accepting that for other vaccines already and 2. there is no cost or significant risk to you from getting vaccinated, mostly just massive benefits. It's a win-win situation. Society is asking you to take 1 hour of your time to save your own life.
The fact that some people don't recognize that gift as what it is because they've been misinformed is irrelevant because, well, whatever they believe is simply not true.
No, not really. I've lived in states where vaccines were required to enter grade school, but there were religious and conscience exemptions. And flu shots are often required in health care. That status quo was far less invasive than what is being proposed here. I have never had to prove vaccination status to just do ordinary things in my life before.