I actually can't remember the details. I believe we were talking about Babel...so, technically, a transpiler. Or it actually could have been one of those code bundlers (I seem to remember they were using browserify...this was a while ago but I believe most people were already using webpack then...JS...what a mess).
Actually can't find him at the company anymore. But the company isn't doing too well (although they seem to have moved into a nicer office). Revenue down 50% last year (from a small number to an even smaller number), costs up 60%, losing substantially more money than they have revenue, the operations guy who did my interview isn't there anymore either...true "tech company things". I didn't the impression that the company was that bad, they were more "much steam, no fire".
Actually can't find him at the company anymore. But the company isn't doing too well (although they seem to have moved into a nicer office). Revenue down 50% last year (from a small number to an even smaller number), costs up 60%, losing substantially more money than they have revenue, the operations guy who did my interview isn't there anymore either...true "tech company things". I didn't the impression that the company was that bad, they were more "much steam, no fire".