Protect who though? Who do masks protect at this point? People who are vaccinated? They have no need to worry. People who are unvaccinated? They made that choice.
There is literally no reason for a vaccinated individual to wear a mask. Vaccines work. They are the ticket out of this. Not masks.
You won't learn anything, because you're a deranged wingnut with a trapped prior. But maybe the cognitive dissonance will be enough to get you to shut up.
>You won't learn anything, because you're a deranged wingnut with a trapped prior. But maybe the cognitive dissonance will be enough to get you to shut up.
Stick to attacking the idea instead of the individual. Personal attacks like this cause others to disregard your stance, even when they already disagree with the parent (like I did). It only works against the cause in the end.
There is literally no reason for a vaccinated individual to wear a mask. Vaccines work. They are the ticket out of this. Not masks.