Are these "mobs" organized (which by definition flirts with not being a mob)? Or do they manifest and are fed by the algorythm? Or a bit of both?
The point being, there seems to be a steady stream things that get a free pass. On the other hand, seemingly random - and often less impactful - things / people get canceled. Mind you, the media is often guilty of the same disconnect. But they too are driven by engagement and profit.
There are a few rich people who's sponsoring this by running "open foundations" that donate (or not donate) to universities and legislatures. MIT's got addicted to recurring donations, so the big contributors can tell MIT how to run things. Same story with mob leaders who are in it for the money. The rank and file mob members do it for free, though (for feeling being right and being part of something big and important).
If the end beneficiaries change their mind, or find another hobby, this "movement" will fold overnight without donations.
The point being, there seems to be a steady stream things that get a free pass. On the other hand, seemingly random - and often less impactful - things / people get canceled. Mind you, the media is often guilty of the same disconnect. But they too are driven by engagement and profit.