> Depends on what you’re used to and what your needs are. I can have a Mac in reasonably usable shape in 30-45m, whereas getting Linux configured to my liking (especially under KDE) quickly turns into a multi-hour affair and ends in an unsatisfying state because of all the little things that can’t be the way I like unless I start digging into source code or writing my own desktop bits.
That only works well if macOS is in fact exactly how you like things. Because it's a lot less configurable than KDE and the whole source code thing is not an option at all :)
I agree, if you want a Mac then don't try to make Linux like one because you'll never get close enough.
That only works well if macOS is in fact exactly how you like things. Because it's a lot less configurable than KDE and the whole source code thing is not an option at all :)
I agree, if you want a Mac then don't try to make Linux like one because you'll never get close enough.