>Shitty housing, unhealthy, often poorly prepared food, and frequently inadequate health care... when it isn't denied outright.
Sounds just like a Medicaid facility. Have you ever actually been to such a place?
The difference is that with prison (specifically, a Federal minimum security prison) won't force me to spend all but $2,000 of my life savings before they'll provide me with services.
I said I was being somewhat facetious. The facetiousness was about me potentially committing felonies, not about the conditions at Medicaid-funded "assisted living" facilities vis a vis those at a Federal Minimum-Security correction facility.
The differences in health care outcomes aren't so disparate. Nor is the quality of the food.
The biggest difference (as I noted) is that Medicaid facilities require you (I'm not making this up) to spend down your assets to ~$2000 before they will accept you at such a facility.
That there isn't all that much difference in being a prisoner at a Federal minimum security facility (not a state prison or a Federal medium or maximum security facility) and being a "resident" of a Medicaid-funded facility is the part that's no joke.
Although I will say that I will joke about whatever I like and it's none of your concern. To put a really fine point on it: "Don't fucking tell me what to do or say. It's none of your damn business."
Sounds just like a Medicaid facility. Have you ever actually been to such a place?
The difference is that with prison (specifically, a Federal minimum security prison) won't force me to spend all but $2,000 of my life savings before they'll provide me with services.
I said I was being somewhat facetious. The facetiousness was about me potentially committing felonies, not about the conditions at Medicaid-funded "assisted living" facilities vis a vis those at a Federal Minimum-Security correction facility.
The differences in health care outcomes aren't so disparate. Nor is the quality of the food.
The biggest difference (as I noted) is that Medicaid facilities require you (I'm not making this up) to spend down your assets to ~$2000 before they will accept you at such a facility.
That there isn't all that much difference in being a prisoner at a Federal minimum security facility (not a state prison or a Federal medium or maximum security facility) and being a "resident" of a Medicaid-funded facility is the part that's no joke.
Although I will say that I will joke about whatever I like and it's none of your concern. To put a really fine point on it: "Don't fucking tell me what to do or say. It's none of your damn business."
Have a nice day!