Until this is a common form of middle-ish-class travel but is used as an effective assassination mechanism...
"A delegate from the CH to the EU was extinguished due to an apparent oxygen regulator that failed and all 100 of the Chinese Delegation passed during transit due to suffocation"
I'm not sure it would actually be cheaper than a first class ticket. I'm not very familiar with cost of shipping, so I'm going off very rough numbers her, but [1] UPS lists next day air shipping for packages over 100 pounds to be between $2 and $7 a pound. Maybe these aren't the correct numbers to use, but even if it costs $3 a pound, we're looking at $450 for a 150lb person. That's not including the weight of any accommodations. And that's assuming pretty much the low end of shipping costs for non-human accommodations.
Take one of those suicide pods and modify it to support life and shipping and handling...