I think that is the point. The market doesn't make sense already for people who actually use the homes because of the investors. If there were property policies that targeted investors and forced their money elsewhere, prices would drop dramatically, making housing affordable again.
"The market doesn't make sense already for people who actually use the homes because of the investors."
I think that depends on the area.
A true crash, if it were to happen, would affect all though. You'd have people underwater on their mortgages, unable to move by selling or renting out the home and instead being foreclosed. People in some sectors my lose their job because people have less discretionary money (if they'd be smart and save more for retirement to offset the loss on their property). If anything, I would think more people would be looking for cheaper apartments to rent because they were foreclosed, leading them to rent from the rich who have a large share of that type of housing.
If it was just investors why would rent be as close to mortgage payment amounts as it is? The vacancy rate is low. Demand is high. Demand is high even among people with more money than me so there are a lot of places that both sell for more than I can afford, and rent for more than I can afford.
People are competing for the more desirable neighborhoods, whether renting from an investor or buying outright, that's what makes it an attractive investment in the first place. They'd still be competing, so the prices would still go up until an equilibrium was reached. Maybe just slower?
"If it was just investors why would rent be as close to mortgage payment amounts as it is?"
I am not clear how this is meant to prove anything, an influx of investors increases prices and rent, both. perhaps it's better to call them speculators, because they don't invest in the economy to create new properties, just inflate prices on existing ones.
I think that is the point. The market doesn't make sense already for people who actually use the homes because of the investors. If there were property policies that targeted investors and forced their money elsewhere, prices would drop dramatically, making housing affordable again.