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At work we switched from a big list in our wiki + some shell scripts + brew to a smaller list in our wiki + nix-darwin and I really like the result.

Everything which isn't in nixpkgs I prefer to install manually (such as IDEs, VirtualBox, Docker, ...) because the built-in installer/updater is more robust than brew and most of the time brew just invokes the native installer anyways.

If something is in nixpkgs though you can be pretty certain that it will work at your colleagues machine just like it does on yours which is great.

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That sounds promising.

So let's say the developer has a Mac and wants to have Go and Node on their machine; how do you specify these versions in a central way so that all team members have the same versions of tools?

Also, we want to make sure that any Docker image we build uses the same packages. Do we have to migrate our images to be built on NixOS, or can we continue to use Debian base images and simply insert Nix into them?

I'd also be interested in learning how much actual Nix packaging is needed. If the packages we need are all in Nix already (like, again, Go and Node and so on), we shouldn't need to actually write any Nix code, I think?

For simple devshell environments, you probably don't need to write much Nix at all. You can use a tool like numtide/devshell [1] to create a flake from a template which lets you define packages and commands you want to expose via a TOML config file.

[1] https://github.com/numtide/devshell/blob/master/docs/getting...

The reason to use the Flake based version is that then it will automatically create a flake.lock file which should be added to version control so every user will use the same nixpkgs version.

While you can build normal Dockerfiles using some Nix tools it would be the same as building the image from Docker directly. If you want the same package-pinning guarantees in Docker images, then you need to build a NixOS based image which will let you add Nix packages. The pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage and it's counterpart function pkgs.dockerTools.streamLayeredImage, are interesting in that they will build a layered docker image so that packages can be shared between containers which makes rebuilding images much faster. [2]

At some point you will probably want to manage the project's Go and Node dependencies themselves from Nix and that involve writing Nix. Essentially the process is to use a tool that convert's the go.mod and node/yarn lock file into a .nix file [3,4]. This can be a bit more involved as some dependencies especially nodejs ones will want to download additional resources at build time which breaks the Nix model.

The best way to use Nix is gradually; just start with a simple devshell. There are some oddities when using Nix on Mac so it's best to get those figured out before trying to do too much.

[2] https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#ssec-pkgs-dockerToo... [3] https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Go [4] https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Node.js

Sounds like it's worth trying out.

I was disappointed to see that the official macOS install is multiuser, and you have to apparently work around that if you don't want the full daemon/root-level install. I'd want the install to be really simple and unintrusive.

The multi-user install isn't very intrusive I think. Would definitely go this way if possible.

> So let's say the developer has a Mac and wants to have Go and Node on their machine; how do you specify these versions in a central way so that all team members have the same versions of tools?

The easiest setup would be to use `nix-shell`. This would also have the benefit that you could have different versions for different projects.

If you also install `direnv` on the machines you can use `use nix` in the `.envrc` file to automatically load the packages that are declared in `shell.nix` into the PATH once a developer enters the project directory in the terminal.

Containerization is also one thing that's awesome about Nix: Instead of saying: "start with image xyz, then run apt-get to install further software, then do some cleanup" you can just say "please build me an image with e.g. jdk11 and openssl".

Nix will put everything into the image thats required for those packages, not more, not less. And for Nix that's easy to: It just has to put all the packages in a tar file and call it a day (more or less).

At work we use this for Java Spring Boot projects and we started using Nix container images in production as well.

For development we still use a JDK installed through IntelliJ as it is not that easy to teach IntelliJ about a JDK installed through Nix.

But on CI and when running the project from terminal we can use exactly the same JDK as in the container images.

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