This is not very scientific at all, but I see Waymo and Cruise cars driving around SF all the time. Waymo cars appear to drive much more naturally than Cruise to my eyes.
It’s hard to put my finger on any specific thing, and it may even come down to the fact that I see a lot more Waymos than Cruises, and have also seen Waymos around SF for much longer (or at least noticed them for longer).
I feel like Cruises are a bit more cautious, to the point of making me skeptical. But again, I’m struggling to think of any example in particular.
This might be silly but I also think the Cruise cars are much more ugly.
I wonder if it’s something like the “bozo bit”? Once you see one Waymo car doing something that looks unsafe, your entire perception of “Waymo car” becomes (nearly irreversibly) lower.