> We look the other way when people are doing things that seem bad, until they pick up a gun, then we blame the gun for the outcome, not the fact that government agencies looked the other way instead of intervention.
This always struck me as silly excuse. The gun nuts are pretty obsessed with personal liberty. Taking their guns is already beyond the pale, so I have a hard time believing they're going to accept being thrown in a sanitarium whenever they do something antisocial like show up at a school board meeting foaming at the mouth about vaccines...
Precisely. How do you keep crazy people from having guns when the only suitable definition of crazy is somebody that has done something terrible (which obviously is too late).
There are ways to intervene short of throwing someone in a sanitarium, and better causes for intervention than holding a fringe opinion.
> The Secret Service found that when youth plan targeted violence, they often tell at least one person about their plans [and] offer specifics before the event
> most attackers engaged in some behavior prior to the incident that caused concern or indicated a need for help
This always struck me as silly excuse. The gun nuts are pretty obsessed with personal liberty. Taking their guns is already beyond the pale, so I have a hard time believing they're going to accept being thrown in a sanitarium whenever they do something antisocial like show up at a school board meeting foaming at the mouth about vaccines...