Doesn't work that way. Wyoming has as much power in the Senate as California, even though it's got a lot fewer people. So, effectively, a single Wyoming voter has a lot more power than a single California voter.
In a true democracy, one person's vote would count just as much as another's. That's not the way it works now.
First: This assumes that the EC needs fixing. That's... not a universally held belief. And those who don't share that belief won't agree that this is actually a fix.
Second: Are you trying to create another "alternate slates of electors" situation? Because this is likely to do so.
Third: This is going to get thrown to a court test. It would be really nice if that court test were before a presidential election was at stake. Unfortunately, the courts do not like "hypothetical" suits.
And the candidates need to know before the election. If you're campaigning for the total popular vote, you'd campaign differently than if you were campaigning to win certain states.
Fourth: To my inexpert eye, it looks like there's no additional adoptation since 2020.
This team is on drugs if it thinks that it can convince the leadership that's been banking on population-minority/electoral-majority to go along with this. All the recent vote-handling adjustments lately to steer a few thousand here and there in battleground states would be at risk.
If they succeed at fixing it, mind you, I'll happily pay for whatever they're taking.