> Congress has for far too long abdicated what it is supposed to be directly responsible for to unelected bureaucrats that exist in agencies that are overseen by the executive branch of government.
Yes, that's what the executive branch is for. That's how our government and basically every government in the history of the world has worked.
> When is the last time you've seen anyone from Congress campaign on any substantive issue?
Literally every campaign in my life that I've had any exposure to. Campaigning on real issues is not hard, the problem is getting into Congress and then being unwilling or unable to follow through.
Yes, that's what the executive branch is for. That's how our government and basically every government in the history of the world has worked.
> When is the last time you've seen anyone from Congress campaign on any substantive issue?
Literally every campaign in my life that I've had any exposure to. Campaigning on real issues is not hard, the problem is getting into Congress and then being unwilling or unable to follow through.