Who we need:
-Open Source Web Application Developers (ideally Ruby, Java, Python, or Perl)
-iOS Developers
-4+ years of professional development experience
What types of companies:
-Mobile Call Analytics StartUp.
-Social Networking/Ecommerce StartUp
-Carrier Performance Analytic StartUp
-Daily Deals StartUp
-Mobile Cloud Synchronization StartUp
-Web based target advertising StartUp
Location: Seattle
Who we need: -Open Source Web Application Developers (ideally Ruby, Java, Python, or Perl) -iOS Developers -4+ years of professional development experience
What types of companies: -Mobile Call Analytics StartUp. -Social Networking/Ecommerce StartUp -Carrier Performance Analytic StartUp -Daily Deals StartUp -Mobile Cloud Synchronization StartUp -Web based target advertising StartUp
I have job descriptions that can be found for both the StartUps and more established companies at: http://www.bullhornreach.com/user/69443/jobs
But as most descriptions are just giant buzz word forms and overly generic elevator speeches I'd love to talk with you about them.
How to apply: either through the portal linked above or send a resume to Kory@imatch.com