Same here, a few times over the years. Another useful trick is piping input from echo to xxd -r -ps to dd so you can specify hex bytes directly in the echo arguments rather than reading input from a file. Quite handy if it's an embedded system that you can't easily transfer files to, but can get a shell on.
That's going to be very slow though, as it will read and write everything one byte at a time. The problem of course is that you can't specify seek/skip/count values as bytes unless your block size is 1 byte.
If you don't need seek then you can at least use ibs=1 instead, as skip/count operate on input blocks, but this will still read one byte at a time even though it will aggregate the reads into larger output blocks.
It would be really nice if we had a dd2 tool that offered similar options but defaulted the block size to a new "auto" value, treated seek/skip as byte values, and treated count as a byte value if the input block size is "auto".
dd allows you to specify your seek, skip and count values as bytes instead of blocks using the iflag/oflag options seek_bytes, skip_bytes and count_bytes.
So to read the first MB of data 100GB into a file you can:
Edit 2 : I just found this in the coreutils 9.0 changelog:
dd now counts bytes instead of blocks if a block count ends in "B".
For example, 'dd count=100KiB' now copies 100 KiB of data, not
102,400 blocks of data. The flags count_bytes, skip_bytes and
seek_bytes are therefore obsolescent and are no longer documented,
though they still work.