A rating inherently claims understanding though. Is a bridge safe to walk on? Some guy who doesn't understand engineering is putting signs on it rating its safety. Ignorance is not a defense at this point.
They did sue the banks. For many things including inflated appraisals of the loans.
I'm sure they have some kind of warning for everything that isn't FDIC insured. But misrepresenting high risk as low risk instead of zero risk is just a quantitative difference. There are plenty of scams that do this. for example just lying about a company's earnings. I suppose the precise crimes they charge them for may differ a bit.
They did sue the banks. For many things including inflated appraisals of the loans.
I'm sure they have some kind of warning for everything that isn't FDIC insured. But misrepresenting high risk as low risk instead of zero risk is just a quantitative difference. There are plenty of scams that do this. for example just lying about a company's earnings. I suppose the precise crimes they charge them for may differ a bit.