Difficult not to see this as anything other petulance. It's Musk's site and he's free to do whatever he wants with it, but this seems squarely against "any legal speech will be allowed"
Not at all a fan of his actions on this, and I don't think publishing public information in the way elonjet did should be banned from any platform. BUT, it's a very bad faith argument to not correlate a mobile conveyance, like a private jet or personal car, to the individual who actively uses it the vast major of the time. It wouldn't be called "ElonJet" if it wasn't meant to track Elon, and it's highly unlikely ElonJet would continue to track that specific tail number if Elon traded it for another jet or sold it.
I think the distinction between tracking a private jet and tracking a private car is fairly clear cut. The point isn't to actually show where Musk is at any one point (who cares?), but I think the intent of the account is to show the intense disconnect between him and normal (non-private-jet-owning folks).
Unless I'm misremembering, the ElonJet account listed the cost and the amount of fuel consumed for every flight right? His willingness to burn 10 tonnes of jet fuel on a whim definitely doesn't mesh well with his brand as "The EV-guy".
If they don't share the conformist, leftist authoritarian views of the HN crowd, then it is legal to do anything to them and they're probably transphobic.
In most American jurisdictions, yes, that's legal. The California stalking statute for example (Penal Code 646.9(a)) only applies if the person who's following you intends to make you afraid for yourself or your family. This why stalking victims so often struggle to do anything about it.
I defended Elon many times on HN but this is straight up incompetence. Even if they violated some silly location sharing rule they invented yesterday, there's no good excuse.
The saddest thing is this only adds fuel to the pro-censorship crowd.
Not that this is a good defense, but I think "genuinely scared for his or his child's safety" is a real possibility. Especially if he (rightly or wrongly, no comment there) thinks someone threatened his child... well, protecting your children is one of the more powerful instincts humans have, one of the handful powerful enough to outweigh an ego like Elon's. Plus he has to be at least a little frazzled by Twitter having no credible plan for being financially solvent after scaring off all the advertisers, so I'm guessing he's not doing cold, rational threat assessments of anything. Maybe that interaction of fear and irrationality does start overlapping with petulance too, I don't know.
I think people should take into account that something deep inside Elon knows he's in deep shit, and is probably contributing to him taking rash actions and generally lashing out. He was never a wise man, but I still suspect we're seeing him at a low ebb of rationality. Again, no sort of defense: this is a problem entirely of his own making.
It seems more likely the story about his kid is just another lie to try win the moment. The LAPD statement is careful not to state that no crime has been reported or under investigation, but to leave that interpretation open. They are “aware of the tweet.”
Definitely a solid possibility. Also a possibility he's just drinking his own koolaid, fully "believing" whatever is convenient. But honestly, the dude has probably been getting death threats for years already, in which case he already had reasons to be a little afraid. It's easy for me to imagine that fear cropping up here as being just one of the more prominent ways he's coming unglued under stress.
> Musk tweeted, "My firstborn child died in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat. I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame."
> Soon, Elon's ex-wife Justine Musk revealed the real story and stated that it wasn't the techie but she was holding the child. She wrote, "A SIDS-related incident that put him on life support. He was declared brain-dead. And not that it matters to anyone except me, because it is one of the most sacred and defining moments of my life, but I was the one who was holding him."
If Musk wants to turn over a new leaf and decide free speech is secondary to protecting children, he should consider banning the accounts that have whipped up bomb threats against childrens' hospitals of late.
>That's some psychopathic level lack of empathy for someone who's child died.
You can simultaneously have empathy for someone for the simple fact that their child died, and also think they're lying about the details for their own personal gain. The two are not mutually exclusive.
> The LAPD statement is careful not to state that no crime has been reported
"LAPD's Threat Management Unit (TMU) is aware of the situation and tweet by Elon Musk and is in contact with his representatives and security team. No crime reports have been filed yet." (emphasis mine)
Statistics. He has apparently 10 kids with however many women while being a workaholic and a tweetaholic. How much time could he possibly spend with them?
Yes, he's previously complained that marxism turned his child transgender
> In a new interview with Financial Times, the Tesla CEO, 51, said he believes his daughter — who legally changed her last name in June from Musk to Wilson — no longer wants to be associated with him because of the supposed takeover of elite schools and universities by neo-Marxists.
> "It's full-on communism . . . and a general sentiment that if you're rich, you're evil," said Musk, who is a dad of 10. "It [the relationship] may change, but I have very good relationships with all the others [children]. Can't win them all."
> Musk's comments come six months after Vivian filed a petition to legally change her name and gender.
Remember Elon joking about pronouns earlier? It's hard for me to read that as anything other than spiting his transgender daughter. Between that and his "can't win em all " statement, I don't think Elon cares all that much for his kids.
But I certainly agree that he's going through a crapton of stress right now, and that can't be helping. I hope he finds a feeling of safety, but I also hope that his daughter also finds the peace she needs...
> I think "genuinely scared for his or his child's safety" is a real possibility.
I think he's scared for his own safety. In fact he has basically said as much. As rich as he is, he still owes a lot of money and favors to a lot of people. Some of them are quite powerful and ruthless. They're likely displeased at how he's pissing away the value of an asset in which they have an interest. Just because he's paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get him. If I had the kinds of friends or enemies that he has, and particularly if I had been busy converting the first into the second, I'd be worried too.
That's as good of an explanation as I've seen so far. The only problem is that nothing that he has done so far would reduce that exposure, in fact plenty of his actions increased it.
Right, that would be the "rash actions and lashing out" part. Decisions made in fear are pretty well known for making things worse, not better, even directly with respect to the reason for said fear.
That is approximately what I was getting at, so thank you. The guy's obviously operating in a fog of fear. This is probably exacerbated (if not caused by) his notoriously bad sleep habits, and/or whatever chemical help he uses to sleep at all. What's amazing is that so many people don't seem to recognize. I guess they just never lived in environments where you learn to recognize the signs.
When you're in a persistent fear state, rational decisions become almost impossible and actions directly contrary to one's own interest become commonplace. It's like the skier who's trying to avoid a rock, but keeps staring at it and naturally starts turning toward it instead. Sometimes it's better to look away, even literally, toward the path you should take instead. Unfortunately for us all, Musk so far seems unable to do that.
Those numbers are swelling steadily. And with every sale that Musk does he is adding to that pile. You have to wonder what makes him believe that Tesla stock is overvalued.
He cares so much about his children that one have gone a long way to have nothing to do with him [1]. His personal life is a mess, really a mess [2]. Like many billioners entrepreneurs I think he is just an absent father who only cares about him self.
For better or worse, that has very little to do with the kind of emotions I'm talking about. They seem (to me anyway) to start just north of the so-called lizard brain.
my opinion is you're lying, so right truthful doesn't apply. since we just get to follow your example and make everything potential bad faith, we can't trust you to tell the truth about anything.
This is indistinguishable from
psychotherapy nonsense, palm-reading, soothsaying, entrail evaluation. There is zero factual basis for this “assessment,” and if you believe there is and buy into this, then you are only fooling yourself.
Which is exactly the position that Musk is supposedly fighting against -- it's almost like he has no actual principles and is at best no different than the people he's replacing
Posting a link to a web page that publishes the public tracking information without even mentioning any person’s name almost certainly does not constitute doxing.
That seems pretty narrowly scoped to protecting witnesses, jurors, informants, public servants, and their immediate family members. The personal information it covers is also limited to SSN, home address, phone numbers, and personal email.
Did you watch the same video I did? It's easy to see this as something other than petulance. It's not complicated. Elon is scared for his family. That's a very human thing. In his place I'd do everything I could to protect them. The elonjet account was a security risk to a public figure in the same way that publishing the home address of Supreme Court Justices is a legitimate security risk -- and in the same way that it led to an attempted assassination of Judge Kavanaugh.