I believe that ADS-B Exhange (like the suspended journalists) linked to ElonJet's Mastodon account. This is consistent with the policy - even if that policy isn't agreeable - and doesn't seem to indicate that publishing public radio data is banned.
Is there any evidence/source that shows the suspended journalists actually linked ElonJet's Mastodon account? I thought they only mentioned ElonJet's Twitter handle.
Also I get journalists are feeling threatened, but it's a shame to see such a clear emotionally charged article from TC, I used to trust them for unbiased tech reporting.
I'm curious, can you point me to a sentence that you find "emotionally charged"? I went over every sentence and every one just states some facts. I'm not seeing the emotionally charged part.
The article confirms that Elon suspends link to Mastodons, but doesn't say anything about the journalists posting links to the Mastodon account for ElonJen.
Apologies, the TC article states why the JoinMastodon account was suspended:
> Twitter apparently suspended its open source competitor Mastodon from the service on Thursday afternoon. Just prior to its suspension, Mastodon (@joinmastodon) tweeted a link to the jet tracking account on its own service, according to archives.