The Pelosi case is under a lot of public scrutiny precisely because it is nonsensical that the husband of the speaker of the house could have someone just waltz into their home and attack him. Unfortunately the narratives around the attack have been censored or tamped down and we may never know what happened.
But there is still an order of magnitude difference between Pelosi and the wealth of someone who can afford to own and fly their own superjet. That you don’t believe better security can be had does not mean it does not exist, it does.
I think you’re revealing your ideological biases. The Twitter files did not just contain information about censorship by the democrats. The Trump White House was also heavily implicated. That is not the partisan issue that you want it to be. Instead, perhaps the liberal ire towards Elon could come from the fact that he is catering towards the right?
As far as public safety goes, it’s ultimately moot. If you choose to own your own plane and fly it using public infrastructure paid for with US tax dollars, you have no expectation of that data being private. Reporting that data is protected by the first amendment, which of course doesn’t apply to posts on Twitter, a private company. Someone who wants privacy should choose to travel via other means, it’s really that simple. Flying via your own private jet is not a constitutionally protected right, it’s a privilege that is subject to the terms and regulations of the United States of America and it’s regulatory bodies. And arguing that we should change the rules for the ultra rich is an absolutely tyrannical prospect, lord knows we do it enough already.
> That you don’t believe better security can be had does not mean it does not exist, it does.
Did you read about Musk's kid being stalked by someone who ended-up threatening him and jumping on the car?
How do you feel about that? It's OK because the guy is rich? C'mon.
> I think you’re revealing your ideological biases.
Happy to spell it out: I am a Classical Liberal. I detest what both Democrats and Republicans (the parties, not the drones who follow them blindly) have become. I also understand that the extreme left and right have cause more destruction around the world and across time than one could probably list.
Today, in the US, we are in the grips of the extreme left. And that's a problem. They tyranny, today, in the US, is coming from the left.
Our universities have become extreme left indoctrination centers. Our media is brutally dominated by the left. Our social media and internet companies, same (I forget the number, something like 96% to 98% of those employed by places like Twitter, FB and Google donated to the Democratic party?). Etc.
The narrative and the "news" people are exposed to is overwhelmingly controlled by leftist ideology. I have spoken to people who only watch networks like CNN. As an example, they have no clue whatsoever what is going on at our southern border, none at all.
This is a formula for disaster. And, yes, I would be saying exactly the same thing if the dominance belonged to the right. Neither one is good for a society. History has proven this time and time again.
I mean, the left claims to be for women's rights and the protectors of, well, just about everyone. And yet, we are having a human trafficking crisis at the southern border and EVERYONE on the left is ignoring all of it. In two years, nearly five million people have poured in. Millions of pills of the most dangerous drugs have been smuggled into the country. And human trafficking has grown by leaps and bounds. All we get from the administration is "the border is secure". Really?
This, BTW, is also a historical fact. The way the left works is to claim to solve the problems of all those who (they convince) are oppressed and make enemies of everyone else. If you study the history of pretty much every country in Latin America you will discover patterns that, today, might be familiar to all Americans. One of the problems in the US is that people are not educated well enough to know much about history. That's why this population is so easy to fool.
Look at the minimum wage mess. They promised $15 per hour would solve the problems of millions. This is how they bought these votes. And then gasoline goes from $2 per gallon to $5, $6, $7 per gallon; food prices go up 30% to 100% (our dog food alone doubled in cost). And more. Now $15 per hour is more like $5 per hour. And, on top of that, we let in five million people who will more than likely take minimum wage jobs away from the very people who were promised this new minimum wage would help them.
How much more of this nonsense is it going to take for people who support these politicians to understand they are being played for fools?
What is being uncovered at Twitter is important because the vast majority of Americans have been led to believe none of this was happening. The vast majority of Americans have been the subject of carefully engineered ideologically-driven shaping of the messages. Having the FBI interact at the level they have with Twitter staff (and likely FB and others) IS NOT GOOD FOR SOCIETY.
I always say the same thing: Imagine a scenario where the ideological right had this level of control over universities, social and traditional media. If you think that would be horrible, first, I agree, second, you should be incensed about the fact that the ideological left is in that position today. The fact that riots have broken out at universities when speakers with contrasting viewpoints are invited should have everyone take pause. Again, imagine if the roles were inverted before you opine.
> which of course doesn’t apply to posts on Twitter, a private company
Oh, please, what these people have done is criminal. If not criminal, immoral. If not immoral, unethical. If none of those, it is horrible and detrimental to any society. You don't build progress, harmony and tolerance this way. You build hatred, resentment and destroy a society from the inside-out.
But there is still an order of magnitude difference between Pelosi and the wealth of someone who can afford to own and fly their own superjet. That you don’t believe better security can be had does not mean it does not exist, it does.
I think you’re revealing your ideological biases. The Twitter files did not just contain information about censorship by the democrats. The Trump White House was also heavily implicated. That is not the partisan issue that you want it to be. Instead, perhaps the liberal ire towards Elon could come from the fact that he is catering towards the right?
As far as public safety goes, it’s ultimately moot. If you choose to own your own plane and fly it using public infrastructure paid for with US tax dollars, you have no expectation of that data being private. Reporting that data is protected by the first amendment, which of course doesn’t apply to posts on Twitter, a private company. Someone who wants privacy should choose to travel via other means, it’s really that simple. Flying via your own private jet is not a constitutionally protected right, it’s a privilege that is subject to the terms and regulations of the United States of America and it’s regulatory bodies. And arguing that we should change the rules for the ultra rich is an absolutely tyrannical prospect, lord knows we do it enough already.