> A very simple distribution solution therefore is to stop privileging capital gains and tax all income equally. But of course this has been considered and hasn’t gained traction.
A reason why it hasn't gained traction though is that wealth doesn't just give you buying power but also political influence. So especially those who already have excessive wealth would be in a position to block such a measure.
I remain convinced that unbridled capitalism is incompatible with democracy in the long term, particularly when buying political influence is legitimized.
That, and economists broadly agree that taxing businesses and investment is a bad idea, and that the most efficient thing is a consumption tax: https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2012/07/19/157047211/six-.... Note that this article is from NPR of all things.
They only gave actual objectives for 3 of the 6 proposals - and those objectives where "fairer markets" and "create more jobs".
Reducing inequality was not mentioned anywhere.
Indeed they acknowledge it will hurt lower-income households but handwave that away with some unspecified measures to "minimize" harm to those households.
> Eliminating the deduction will drive up costs for people with workplace healthcare, but makes the health-care market fairer.
> Instead, impose a consumption tax, designed to be progressive to protect lower-income households.
> [carbon tax] can be structured to make sure it doesn't disproportionately harm lower-income Americans.
Oh, and of course:
> Three: Eliminate the corporate income tax. Completely. If companies reinvest the money into their businesses, that's good. Don't tax companies in an effort to tax rich people.
Because no wealthy person ever thought of ways to restructure their assets so they are poor on paper...
How does that have anything to do with corporate income tax? CIT is paid by the legal entity, usually on the profit. After that the board decides what to do with it. Pay dividends or not, etc. And capital gains taxes are due on that. (That is it's basically a specialized personal income tax.)
Rich people appearing poor on paper only works if the tax system allows deducting luxury expenses. (Like mortgage payments on second, third and so on properties. Which the US tax system usually does.)
A reason why it hasn't gained traction though is that wealth doesn't just give you buying power but also political influence. So especially those who already have excessive wealth would be in a position to block such a measure.