That was an event specific to the 'more corporate' web as it existed then. Big company sites and big company services were involved in that web. The Internet was limited to tech savvy people and it did not reach the masses yet. The economic activity within that space being big enough for its time does not mean that the Internet was a society-wide event, less, it was global across societies.
The user-driven blogosphere, community forums on the fringes of the internet and what little economic activity that was there did not get affected from the .com bust for example. It was something specific to a very narrow segment of the society and the economy.
> The concept of doxing, credit card fraud and integration with modern crime simply weren't there
Wow. You really dont seem to have much experience or insight (less alone having to have done actual work in) the early user-driven Internet. No surprise since how you think that .com bust was something that affected 'the Internet' - that was your perspective.
Back in the day, if you gave your credit card to a 'wrong' site, it was gone. They'd rack up debt up until your limit within a day or even hours, and you wouldnt be able to get the funds back from that 'no name' country where they used it from and transferred the funds to. People feared that a lot - that's why a lot of 'reassuring' badges and references were used at the footer or carts of any website, from BBB to 'certified' Paypal, 2checkout (then a thing) and other services. While making an ecommerce site for any client, the first thing that they would be concerned with would be that and it would take a considerable time of the project to minimize that fear factor in the clients. And it was universal - the Open Source or private installable cart or ecommerce software that originated in that era still may have 'Secure checkout' or 'This checkout is secured by SSL' etc in their uis even in their latest iterations today. Now you wont see any of that anywhere thanks to Paypal, Stripe, Amazon and plethora of others.
This fear factor made most of the economic activity limited to those 'big sites' that people could trust. The public-driven ecommerce only became a thing towards mid 2000s.
But no, I dont have any data handy. The early user-driven web wasnt something that 'serious' and 'important' institutions would care about. Im sure that someone somewhere has some statistics about early fraud, that's certain. But someone must dig and find it.
Our perspectives are too different due to them originating in the different parts of the early Internet. A more institutional, 'big' corporate perspective versus user-driven, chaotic, 'fringe' perspective. Having come from the latter background and now working in both sides of that divide, I can easily say that that separation of perspectives still exists today and it is the problem that causes the 'big tech' to be unable to understand larger internet user base - especially the emergent 'creator economy' - as can be seen from how every single tech giant flopped majestically in that space.
But this is a long, big discussion that I neither have time nor the enthusiasm for. So, I'll bail out. Cheers.
That was an event specific to the 'more corporate' web as it existed then. Big company sites and big company services were involved in that web. The Internet was limited to tech savvy people and it did not reach the masses yet. The economic activity within that space being big enough for its time does not mean that the Internet was a society-wide event, less, it was global across societies.
The user-driven blogosphere, community forums on the fringes of the internet and what little economic activity that was there did not get affected from the .com bust for example. It was something specific to a very narrow segment of the society and the economy.
> The concept of doxing, credit card fraud and integration with modern crime simply weren't there
Wow. You really dont seem to have much experience or insight (less alone having to have done actual work in) the early user-driven Internet. No surprise since how you think that .com bust was something that affected 'the Internet' - that was your perspective.
Back in the day, if you gave your credit card to a 'wrong' site, it was gone. They'd rack up debt up until your limit within a day or even hours, and you wouldnt be able to get the funds back from that 'no name' country where they used it from and transferred the funds to. People feared that a lot - that's why a lot of 'reassuring' badges and references were used at the footer or carts of any website, from BBB to 'certified' Paypal, 2checkout (then a thing) and other services. While making an ecommerce site for any client, the first thing that they would be concerned with would be that and it would take a considerable time of the project to minimize that fear factor in the clients. And it was universal - the Open Source or private installable cart or ecommerce software that originated in that era still may have 'Secure checkout' or 'This checkout is secured by SSL' etc in their uis even in their latest iterations today. Now you wont see any of that anywhere thanks to Paypal, Stripe, Amazon and plethora of others.
This fear factor made most of the economic activity limited to those 'big sites' that people could trust. The public-driven ecommerce only became a thing towards mid 2000s.
But no, I dont have any data handy. The early user-driven web wasnt something that 'serious' and 'important' institutions would care about. Im sure that someone somewhere has some statistics about early fraud, that's certain. But someone must dig and find it.
Our perspectives are too different due to them originating in the different parts of the early Internet. A more institutional, 'big' corporate perspective versus user-driven, chaotic, 'fringe' perspective. Having come from the latter background and now working in both sides of that divide, I can easily say that that separation of perspectives still exists today and it is the problem that causes the 'big tech' to be unable to understand larger internet user base - especially the emergent 'creator economy' - as can be seen from how every single tech giant flopped majestically in that space.
But this is a long, big discussion that I neither have time nor the enthusiasm for. So, I'll bail out. Cheers.