Tippy Coco is a volleyball game in the browser. You can play with a friend at the same keyboard, or solo challenge the built-in opponents.
As for the tech: it's all TypeScript + HTML5. I did not use a game engine; I just made a game loop with setTimeout and the artwork is all just png's drawn on the canvas. The sound is played through the HTML audio API. Input is watching keyboard events and the Gamepad API.
One thing: I know this is 2023 but it's not a game for phones. It's for a laptop or desktop PC with a physical keyboard. It also works ok on an iPad with a physical keyboard.
It's very strange that I can pass to the other side and even touch the ball. I expected that passing the middle would be a fault, or touching the ball in the wrong side would be a fault. (I don't remember the exact rules in volleyball now.)
Slime Volleyball directly inspired it! I mention that on the about page, https://tippycoco.com/about . And ~20 years ago, I actually programmed one of the popular Slime Volleyball bots.
Perhaps it's too late, but it would be interesting to read about how you programed the "AI" for each level. It took me a while to discover that there are a few opponents, but then I was surprised they have very different strategies.
As for the tech: it's all TypeScript + HTML5. I did not use a game engine; I just made a game loop with setTimeout and the artwork is all just png's drawn on the canvas. The sound is played through the HTML audio API. Input is watching keyboard events and the Gamepad API.
One thing: I know this is 2023 but it's not a game for phones. It's for a laptop or desktop PC with a physical keyboard. It also works ok on an iPad with a physical keyboard.
Tippy Coco is free and without ads. The code is available (MIT license) at https://github.com/malgorithms/tippycoco