Maybe I'm missing something, but Google search (through Startpage) still is faster and more relevant for me, not to mention it does return results newer than 2021 ...
I’m baffled to see comments like this here. To the point that I wonder if HN is basically Twitter at this point.
How can you trust a single thing the model says? I ask GPT4 for PPO code, it gives me basic actor critic with a loss with constants added. I ask it about a data filtering technique and it hallucinates concepts, libraries, papers and even companies.
It’s good as a fallback to search. Also maybe for judgement free brainstorming. But I don’t see how it can replace Google for serious queries.
Are you sure you’re not just chatting with it? Do you mind sharing your recent 10 queries with us
I found that GPT-4 is surprisingly trustworthy for my queries which are mostly programming related and focused on common libraries (nothing too esoteric).
The reason why instead of having 60 google searches in a day, I now have frequently less than 30 is that ChatGPT is much quicker when I don't exactely know how to search for something.
For instance I recently looked for an easy way to have a Rails app inline CSS when creating a Mailer template. I wasted 5 Google searches which showed various stackoverflow questions which quite didn't match what I wanted (reuse exisiting CSS from a controller). Asking this as a question to ChatGPT has directly led me to the premailer gem. In hindsight, my search terms were too generic, but ChatGPT was the expert programmer who just pointed me to the right gem based on what I was rambling about.
I am also getting turned off Stackoverflow in general now. Grasping the random adjacent question/answer of SO is often more mental work than checking if ChatGPT is hallucinating. Joel and company did well in selling SO just before ChatGPT hit.