I've lived on military bases. You get subsidized housing. You get issued military furniture. You buy from the base PX. You follow the military's rules. This all goes away if you leave the military for whatever reason.
I don't recall anyone having a big problem with it, because if you did, you opted to live "on the economy". Your choice.
When you join the military you sign a friggin contract that gives up your rights. If you desert and run away _you can be killed_ by military tribunal and firing squad as punishment for example. Military housing and matters have absolutely no relevance here, unless you have some bizarre dream that we all live under a dictatorship with your employer at the top.
> It's the same in that you don't have to live on the base
Yes, you do. Unless you're married or are above a certain pay grade / rank. An awful lot of dumbass privates marry their hometown sweethearts and pop out kids just so they ain't gotta live in what are basically dorms.
And folks in the Navy often have to live on ship in the absence of the above options. The second my buddy from HS made E-4 him and 4 friends GTFO.
Military housing also has a lot of problems, and the water around several military bases (e.g. Camp Lejeune) is dubious; awful lot of EPA Superfund sites around bases...
I don't recall anyone having a big problem with it, because if you did, you opted to live "on the economy". Your choice.