I'm not anti capitalism, but it needs better regulated. This is my point. We say we need some guard rails and safety protections, you take it as I want to burn capitalism to the ground.
same with guns. We need gun control. There's a world of gun control examples to sample and decide what or what combination might be a good starting point for us, we can't get to the table to talk about it.
Right now in the US we live in a very heavily regulated capitalist system. I’m not sure why you think there are no laws regarding capitalism.
The same is true of gun control. There are many, many laws already on the books regarding gun control. Yet you take the disingenuous approach of “they won’t even engage in a discussion about any sort of regulation”. The discussion is happening constantly, just because the outcome isn’t the one you want it doesn’t mean there isn’t a conversation.
same with guns. We need gun control. There's a world of gun control examples to sample and decide what or what combination might be a good starting point for us, we can't get to the table to talk about it.