I don't know how many employees Apollo App has, but I wonder if a viable solution is just to build their own Reddit? I realize that's a massive task, but if the only other option is shut the company down, it might be worth exploring. They've already got the interface built and if you remove a lot of the bells and whistles, Reddit is a pretty simple app other than the scale at which they operate (which is obviously a massive challenge).
Honestly not a bad idea. Apollo has such a dedicated fanbase that if you get them to adopt a new community, then the quality of posts will start out pretty high. So much of Reddit is crap anyway so drop in quantity from lack of network effect wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Focus on Apollo’s strengths: great UX and bring it to the web.
Ofc the major issue is how to avoid enshittification. Having a good monetization strategy from the start is key. Hardest part besides attracting large user count is to attack some of Reddit’s failings: terrible arbitrary moderation. That’s the tricky part.