Pity that the same can't be said of modern Word files. My father asked me for help in converting a book he had written in Word to an EPUB. I opened it up in LibreOffice so that I could try to fix a few things like insert a proper ToC (he generated his by hand, and is constantly fiddling with the page numbers whenever he changes something). LO renders it well enough that I can see the intent, but there are formatting artifacts galore, and as soon as I start fiddling with anything, it seems like I've consigned it to a limbo state where it looks like crap in both LO and Word.
Regrettably, my personal devices are all Linux or Android only at this point, so, I lack a proper copy of Word to fix it for him.
If this is still an issue for you I believe you can convert/import docx files into ebooks via calibre, from there you can just use calibre's ebook editor to fix things up
Regrettably, my personal devices are all Linux or Android only at this point, so, I lack a proper copy of Word to fix it for him.