From what I understand, Carrolls has too much negotiation power and, thus, retains too much of the revenue. That's why BurgerKing will soon rent out those locations to new local franchisees. Probably "local" here means that they won't have any market power which might allow them to negotiate back against BurgerKing.
I have to limit my sodium intake due to heart failure.
Whoppers are the lowest sodium of any fast food burger that I like. I used to eat Whoppers regularly.
Now the BK restaurants in my area defraud me when I order a Whopper by making a BK King Burger to look and taste like a whopper. Thr BK King Burger has much more sodium than a Whopper.
When I specify that I want a Whopper and not a BK King Burger, they do 1 of 3 things:
1. Lie and tell me it's a Whopper.
2. Make fun of me, saying it tastes the same.
3. Admit they do not carry the things to make a real Whopper.
I worked at BK circa 1987. For a long time I believed BK burgers tasted better than McDonald's but about 10 years I noticed the taste change and now I think BK is worse. Lately I saw a YouTube video about how they changed the machine they use to cook burgers around that time.
I didn't even know they tried to change it. Fast food companies sell some items that shouldn't be legal, Dairy Queen had some loaded up "milkshake" that was nearing 2300 calories.
i'm not a huge fast food eater, however my biggest complaint is what these "modernized" stores now look like.
the mcdonald's near my home was recently "modernized". it went from a traditional, fun-looking red/white mcdonald's store with a red roof and a yellow sign to a MASSIVE gray/concrete box with white windows.
it certainly doesn't look like a place that would catch my eye for a meal.