(Groq Employee) As I'm sure you're aware, XTX takes its name from a particular linear algebra operation that happens to be used a lot in Finance.
Groq happens to be excellent at doing huge linear algebra operations extremely fast. If they are latency sensitive, even better. If they are meant to run in a loop, best - that reduces the bandwidth cost of shipping data into and outside of the system. So think linear algebra driven search algorithms. ML Training isn't in this category because of the bandwidth requirements. But using ML inference to intelligently explore a search space? bingo.
If you dig around https://wow.groq.com/press, you'll find multiple such applications where we exceeded existing solutions by orders of magnitude.
Groq happens to be excellent at doing huge linear algebra operations extremely fast. If they are latency sensitive, even better. If they are meant to run in a loop, best - that reduces the bandwidth cost of shipping data into and outside of the system. So think linear algebra driven search algorithms. ML Training isn't in this category because of the bandwidth requirements. But using ML inference to intelligently explore a search space? bingo.
If you dig around https://wow.groq.com/press, you'll find multiple such applications where we exceeded existing solutions by orders of magnitude.